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The injection molding machine becomes the high content of the high gold content of plastic machinery
2017-11-16 16:22:52
The injection molding machine becomes the high content of the high gold content of plastic machinery
Injection molding machine is one of the largest processing machinery, plastic processing industry in the usage can be said to be the "pillar" of plastic machinery in our country, in recent years, a lot of people wait for domestic plastics machinery, because in their eyes, domestic molding machine is always on and energy-intensive, low efficiency and so on word, but it is not, injection molding machine in China has gradually in the direction of high value, high technology development.
Due to the rapid development of injection molding machine in the past few years, the injection molding machine of general specifications has been oversupplied except for mainframes, but some high tech injection molding machines, the market demand has gradually strengthened. There are several types of models:
One is the all-electric, all-hydraulic precision injection molding machine. This kind of product main market is electronic communications, audio and video, home appliances, automobile, etc., processing conditions the demand is higher, it also improved precision requirements of the injection molding machine, these industries are sunrise industry, has great development space.
The second is the hollow injection molding machine. This is because the plastic parts under vibration condition of stress damage problems are car all plastic and some other big problems in engineering application, and combined with a variety of rubber and plastic materials with the use of hollow (HotTag) injection molding technology, which can effectively improve the above defects.
Three is a new injection molding machine with air assist and water auxiliary device. This type of new injection molding machine has a lot of market, especially to the appearance requirement higher, service life longer product, such as household appliance, automobile, building more attractive.

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