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Biodegradable plastic bags are exempt or will hurt the UK recycling industry
2017-11-23 11:30:59
Biodegradable plastic bags are exempt or will hurt the UK recycling industry
The British plastics federation (BPFRG) has presented the government with a warning that it would be a disaster for the UK recycling industry to exclude biodegradable plastic bags from the shopping bag. BPFRG said that the compromise on biodegradable plastic bags would be a serious threat to the recycling of household films as a whole. No matter what form of biodegradable plastic, it can't be recycled with traditional plastics, which can lead to catastrophic results. BPFRG argues that these two abandoned logistics must be recycled separately, but on the face of it, there is no obvious difference between biodegradable plastic and traditional plastics, and the public can be easily confused. This would jeopardise the recycling of household films and the UK government's target of packaging recycling in 2017 will be difficult to achieve. BPFRG pointed out that the AEA was submitted to the welsh assembly government a survey about the disposable plastic bags, the survey concluded: "biodegradable plastic bags into plastic bag tax legislation in Ireland because this is also one of source of waste plastic bags, completely degradable in the nature need quite a long time (months or even years)." Both wales and Ireland have introduced biodegradable plastic bags into the tax bill. In addition, the agency also issued a "supermarket plastic bags life cycle assessment", points out that "degradable additive effect is not so obvious, it will produce negative influence, because the degradation additives will increase the weight of the plastic bags. If you want to build a plastic bag recovery system, you don't recommend the use of degradation AIDS.

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