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Plastic oil equipment or for the us economy to create considerable benefit
2017-11-21 17:35:50
Plastic oil equipment or for the us economy to create considerable benefit
The American chemistry council released a new report, says processors in will not recycled plastics into oil used in the process of machining technology may annually output generated $9 billion for the us economy, creating more than 40000 jobs.
The report entitled "the economic impact of the plastic oil equipment", evaluated the "pyrolysis" the economic potential of the rapid development of technology, this technology is more generally known as "plastic oil" (plastics - to - oil). The U.S. chemical council has concluded that the United States can support 600 such devices nationwide, which generate $2.1 billion in economic benefits each year and generate $6.6 billion in capital investment.
"Plastic oil technology can create thousands of jobs for skilled workers, as the U.S. economy billions of benefits, reduce carbon emissions, sharply reduce the amount of landfill precious energy." Jon Angin, vice President of business development at Agilyx and chairman of the U.S. chemical council's plastic oil technology alliance.
Earlier this year, Columbia University's earth project engineer launched an independent research center, said in an oil recycling plastic can produce 6 billion gallons of gasoline, meet nearly 9 million vehicles use the oil every year. Because plastic is produced by natural gas, plastics clearly have higher energy value than other household waste.
"Every day in the United States, we will be the valuable alternative energy as a landfill," said Steve Russell, vice President of the American chemistry council plastic department, "if there is the possibility of recycling plastic should be recycled. If not recycled, used plastic can also be used as a valuable source of energy and fuel.

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